150 experts discuss the key issue of the future. Here’s how the “K-NextTech 2025” conference at Krones Digital Solutions India went.
Check: What potential do insects, algae, microbial fermentation and cultured meat have as protein alternatives?
Increasing awareness, growing demand, and ever more regulations: A lot is happening in plastics recycling – including at Krones.
News from research: In life cycle assessments, plastic products often perform better than their supposedly more environmentally friendly alternatives.
Tethered caps are now mandatory. And we’ve calculated what the EU law has accomplished so far.
Inspiring insights, best practices and global networking were all major features of our Customer Day “Digitalization” 2024.
Krones’ replacement programme and in-house overhauls constitute viable alternatives to disposing of assemblies in need of repair.
The Krones Group and Food Brewer have joined forces, working on a concept for producing alternative foods based on cell cultures. At the heart of the project is the Steinecker bioreactor.
How can beverage makers reduce their water consumption? We offer an overview of the key changes that can be made to achieve big results.
Spare parts from the 3D printer: More and more customers are making use of Rapid Parts on Demand – and they can now look forward to some more new features.
Krones recognized the significance of artificial intelligence early on and established an AI team within the company.
Let us introduce you to the Krones Group’s alternative-food experts and bring you up to speed on the increasingly varied world of meat and milk substitutes.
The event was centred around new legal situations, market trends and options for implementing a more sustainable production operation for reusable packaging.
Cucumber, peach and herbs – what may sound like an exotic smoothie recipe is actually a list of increasingly popular sparkling-water flavors that are made possible by aseptic technologies.
Alternative proteins will in future become ever more important for global food security. Here you can find out about the expertise Krones has gained when it comes to making substitutes for animal proteins.
More data for enhanced sustainability: Thanks to the energy and media dashboard of Energy and Media Reporti, the consumption figures of beverage lines are visible at a glance, thus identifying the relevant areas in which targeted improvements can be made.
Join us on an exploratory journey into the world of the circular economy!
The most important variables influencing the sustainability of packaging, as exemplified by a new returnable-glass line for milk
More than “just” plastics recycling: As a member of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, Krones is pursuing eight specific targets aimed at an all-encompassing closed-loop economy.
The Krones water sommeliers develop water formulas perfectly matched to the needs of packaged-water producers all over the world under the Water Design concept.
Krones’ sustainability-consultancy team assists customers in reducing their operating costs and CO₂ emissions, thus helping to enhance the sustainability of their plants.
Flavoured alcoholic mixed drinks, highly carbonated soft drinks and beverages with health benefits are booming in Japan – Will they soon also be bestsellers in other countries?
How recycled PET can be used for beverage packaging – and why it pays off.
Milk alternatives – also known as non-dairy drinks or plant-based drinks – are extremely popular at the moment. And Milkron knows what is important for their production.
We show the effects that batch processing has on blending products with an intense flavour, such as beer-based mixed drinks, hard seltzers or CSDs.
How to cut costs in shrink-pack production while simultaneously upgrading its sustainability: An analysis reveals the best packaging film for each individual application.
EU Directive translated into ingenious reality: change-over to tethered caps pays for itself with the lighter-weight GME 30.40 neck finish.
A conversation with three Krones sustainability experts about climate protection, sustainability regulations, and human rights within global supply chains.
When producing sensitive beverages, one way to ensure their stability and high quality is to deaerate them.
Sustainability in the brewing process is one of the most topical issues in the sector. Here EquiTherm scores in terms of customer feedback and impressive results.
After many cycles, injection-moulding tools exhibit signs of wear and tear. An overhaul of your hot runner will prevent a production standstill.
The can is a genuine sustainability and recycling champion. Krones offers fit-for-purpose solutions for this beverage container, too.
Dirk Scheu, a long-standing Krones employee, is a freshly minted water sommelier. In this interview, he tells us more about this out-of-the-ordinary training course.
Sparkling, light, low in calories and alcohol, hard seltzer has risen to become the new “it” beverage. Its success began – as so often – in the US.
In an interview, two colleagues tell us how Krones has prepared for the EU regulation on tethered caps and what needs to be considered.
In our fact check, we examine the pros and cons of plastics.
You can easily send a request for a non-binding quotation in our Krones.shop.