150 experts discuss the key issue of the future. Here’s how the “K-NextTech 2025” conference at Krones Digital Solutions India went.
Savabeco is taking the Vietnamese beer market by storm – with bold ideas and state-of-the-art technology from Krones.
Steinecker invited a group of students and was rewarded with innovative ideas of putting the by-products of their Phoenix BMC system to good use.
Uniben is leveraging Krones technology for producing and filling its beverage products – both for soft drinks and for sensitive hotfill products.
News from research: In life cycle assessments, plastic products often perform better than their supposedly more environmentally friendly alternatives.
Tethered caps are now mandatory. And we’ve calculated what the EU law has accomplished so far.
Carbon footprint drastically reduced: A new energy concept is cutting the emissions from the Debrecen plant to around 100 tonnes a year.
It’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it: The path to a meaningful life cycle assessment (LCA) is paved with heaps of numbers and data.
Net-zero emissions by 2040: Krones has intensified its climate strategy – and submitted a net-zero emission target to the Science Based Targets initiative.
International support: How a newly established Sustainability Competence Team is driving the ESG targets of the Krones Group.
A plea for democracy and diversity: In the interview, Krones’ CEO Christoph Klenk speaks candidly against the noticeable shift to the right in Germany.
By earning a CDP score of “A-“ in the climate change category, Krones has improved its environmental performance for the third time in a row.
Three in one go: The Heineken Group ordered not just one but three lines for a greenfield brewery in Brazil.
Spare parts from the 3D printer: More and more customers are making use of Rapid Parts on Demand – and they can now look forward to some more new features.
Krones became a member of UN Global Compact Netzwerk Germany e.V. in October.
Top result in the important sustainability rating: EcoVadis awards Krones' ESG performance with the gold medal.
Rising sales, lower emissions – How is that going to work? The heads of our Sustainability, R&D and Marketing Departments address this challenge in an illuminating debate.
An industrial corporation with net-zero emissions – Is that possible? Our recently published climate transition plan clearly sets out all climate-relevant Krones information.
It’s a perfect match: the latest Contiform can process recycled plastics and contains recycled plastic itself.
Competitive behaviour and climate protection? That doesn't go together. Our sustainability strategy focuses on cooperation – not only within the Group, but also beyond.
Still going strong after more than 100,000 operating hours: Sachsenmilch’s first aseptic four-colour filler from Krones.
More than “just” plastics recycling: As a member of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform, Krones is pursuing eight specific targets aimed at an all-encompassing closed-loop economy.
Five days of the drinktec made for thousands of experiences: drinktec 2022 has ended, but the conversations and impressions will continue to resonate for quite some time.
In Spain, a first-of-its-kind recycling plant is being built specifically for post-consumer PET/ PE multilayer packaging. It will be operated by REPETCO, and the MetaPure washing technology will come from Krones.
Krones has geared its entire corporate strategy toward sustainability – and is bringing to the drinktec 2022 an entirely new vision and a new slogan.
Nihon Canpack, the largest contract filler in Japan, invests in an aseptic line from Krones. The technology of choice: a customised Contipure AseptBloc DN.
Happy Birthday: The Contiform stretch blow-moulding machine is 25 years old. As we prepare for the launch of its fourth generation, we would like to recall its beginnings.
Whether PET, film or polystyrene, the newly opened Recycling Technology Center conducts material tests for customers from all over the world.
AB InBev is working on innovative packaging designs in its Tattoo Alpha Plant – with DecoType direct printing technology from Dekron.
Gräfliches Hofbrauhaus Freising operates one of the first Linatronic AI empty-bottle inspectors, thus substantially reducing material wastage.
How recycled PET can be used for beverage packaging – and why it pays off.
How to cut costs in shrink-pack production while simultaneously upgrading its sustainability: An analysis reveals the best packaging film for each individual application.
EU Directive translated into ingenious reality: change-over to tethered caps pays for itself with the lighter-weight GME 30.40 neck finish.
Krones’ most versatile recycling line yet has gone into operation at a German recycler’s plant.
A conversation with three Krones sustainability experts about climate protection, sustainability regulations, and human rights within global supply chains.
A research project jointly pursued by Krones and Alpla attests to the microbiological safety of sensitive beverages filled in returnable PET containers.
Robot technology in aseptic filling: Fully automatic format change-over systems for the Contipure AseptBloc DA
120 hours of production, and a mere 90 minutes for cleaning: The Contipure AseptBloc DA-P sets a new record in terms of line availability.
Pure enjoyment for all the senses: Destilla, a producer of flavours and essences, had its top-quality product samples digitally decorated, using DecoType technology from Dekron.
In an interview, two colleagues tell us how Krones has prepared for the EU regulation on tethered caps and what needs to be considered.
Climate protection is one of the most urgent tasks of our time – and Krones accepts its share of corporate responsibility by introducing various action packages.
High-bay warehouse, new bottling line for returnable glass: How Adelholzener Alpenquellen GmbH has been getting ready to meet the steadily rising demand.
Reliably identify water droplets. The Linatronic AI dramatically reduces false rejects.
The traditional brewery Schneider Weisse now uses a new glass filler and the maintenance system, Share2Act Assistance.
Individualised bottle printing and providing astonishing visual and tactile effects: O-I, manufacturer of glass containers, is using the digital decoration technology from Krones’ Dekron subsidiary.
Krones and MHT work on shared development projects for new bottle ideas.
The Contiform Bloc BF-C is the compact, affordable block variant for still-water bottling.
With LitePac Top, Krones offers a sustainable packaging variant for cans.
In our fact check, we examine the pros and cons of plastics.
Every year, Niehoffs-Vahinger bottles around 570,000 hectolitres of beverages: the lion’s share of them on a new Krones glass line.
The new Eurest operations manager provides information about Krones' gastronomy and possible changes to healthy meals or even sustainability.
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